Modern Primary Care

Benefits for Small Businesses

Let Us Know Your Interested

DPC Memberships are good for the health of your team

and your bottom line

Lower healthcare costs

Unrivaled patient care and better provider relationships for employees

Increased employee satisfaction and overall wellbeing

How Can Health Self DPC Help Small Businesses?

With the combination of DPC and a self-funded insurance plan, businesses can save tremendous amounts of money. All the while, your employees will be receiving amazing care which can help reduce sick days. Your employees will enjoy great care accessibility, not having  to waste half to a full day waiting to be seen; we can get them in with virtually no wait time.

With your  employees getting the majority of their healthcare needs taken care of quickly and without filing an insurance claim, this leaves a large amount of the claim pool from the self-funded plan leftover at the end of the year. A percentage of the money saved can now go back to the business to use somewhere else that is needed. 

Using this model, businesses nationwide have been paid 25-50% of their claim pool back, on top of saving money on a monthly basis.  


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